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A large number of people are misinformed about SR-22 insurance, if they’ve heard of it at all. In this article, we’ll bust some common myths so you’ll know what to expect if you ever find yourself in the position of filing for an SR-22.
Myth: SR-22 insurance will replace your auto insurance
The fact that it’s called SR-22 insurance is a bit unusual because it’s not insurance by itself. An SR-22 is simply a certificate of financial responsibility to prove that you have auto insurance. If you already have auto insurance, you only need to add an SR-22 to your existing policy.
Myth: SR-22 insurance is a penalty for traffic violations
While several traffic violations on your record may result in an SR-22 status, so can various other transgressions. These may include driving with an invalid license, driving under the influence, causing several accidents, driving without insurance and more.
Myth: SR-22 insurance is permanent
While an SR-22 may be required for several years, it is a temporary status. You will be informed how long you must maintain SR-22 insurance, which is largely based on state regulations and the severity of your transgression. But be on your best behavior because your SR-22 period can be extended if you commit another violation during this period.
Myth: SR-22 insurance is costly
Technically, an SR-22 status only requires one affordable flat fee upon filing the form. However, your auto insurance rates are likely to increases due to the more high-risk nature of your new driving record. But it would be inaccurate to say that the SR-22 is costly, being that it’s simply a bit of paperwork that accompanies your auto insurance policy.
Myth: SR-22 requirements do not transfer if you move to another state
You are required to fulfill your SR-22 period even if you move. However, while you must maintain an SR-22 status for as long as your previous state mandates, you must follow the minimum auto insurance requirements of your new state. Ask your independent insurance agent for details.

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